Fiche cheval mystery trip

R2C2platcourse a conditions 48555fairview1400M3705all to come maiden plate (f & m)12 partantsdépart à 10:50
Non-partants : 3 - 4 - 5
11our worldF59p6p0p4p4ps khumalo8.7/101:24
42make it happenF52p9p8p2p4pg cheyne4.6/11/2 l
3lady isabellaF56p5p3p0p5pt m musekiwa13/1
4mystery tripF66p6p5p6p6pw agrella22/1
5la sicariaF50p0p8p3p8pk a brewer/1
26grace lightningF43p4p3p3p3pk strydom6/13/4 l
38silver slippersF47p4p4p2p8pm v'rensburg6.7/11/2 l
510meadow beautyF49p6p8p5p8pk matsunyane58/11 l 1/2
69temple barF46p2p7p8p3pl mxothwa5.1/11/4 l
711a foreign affairF46p0pm yeni12/11 l 1/4
812winter princessF48p9px ndlovu31/1loin
7jungle promiseF44p2p3p2p2pw kennedy4.7/1

R3C1platcourse a conditions 59176fairview1000M3553welcome to fairview maiden plate (f & m)9 partantsdépart à 09:55
Non-partants : 3 - 5
11meghanF40p6p5p4p4pg cheyne4.9/101:00
22alloway groveF44p3p7p6p4pc maujean4.4/11/2 l
3sumidaF47p6p2p5pl bester20/1
38rio supremoF37p3p7p4pc zackey1.9/12 l
49twice the secretF3Inéditet gould12/11/2 l
54ruby wooF48p4p5p5p6pw kennedy6.5/12 l
5make it happenF40p0p9pnon partant/1
66mystery tripF56p8p9p7p0pr khathi21/14 l
77kissmeatthegateF40p7p7p0pf herholdt31/12 l

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